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抗阻力训练是军校体能训练常用的训练方法,而训练至肌肉失败(TMF)作为抗阻力训练中一种新兴的训练方法,已经在健身领域引起越来越广泛的关注,并已经逐步应用于专业运动员训练中。TMF在军校这类对体能要求较高的机构内具有广阔的应用前景,但现阶段TMF在军校还未得到推广,大部分军校仍然沿用过去的传统抗阻力训练模式。本文从介绍抗阻力训练与TMF的相关概念出发,分析了TMF的作用机制,提出了在军校训练中引入TMF的可行训练项目。为了进一步研究TMF对于军校学员体能训练效果的影响,本文选取成绩相近的部分学员进行分组对照实验,运用统计学方法处理实验结果,从而证明了TMF对于学员体能具有明显提升作用,最后对本次研究工作进行了总结和展望。  相似文献   
采用逆向思维方法,详细分析了一次性快餐盒盖的成型工艺,并对其结构进行改进设计。为那些以实物为制造基础的产品的设计提供了借鉴,在缩短产品开发周期,提高经济效益方面,起着重要作用。  相似文献   
针对目前起重机安全评价过于依赖主观权重且忽视起重机安全状态变化趋势的问题,建立基于改进博弈论组合赋权法(improved combination weighting method of game theory,ICWGT)和灰色关联分析法的起重机安全评价体系。在该评价体系中,收集样本数据以确定评价值,构建评价等级空间来计算起重机行为特征序列与标准行为特征序列的关联系数。运用ICWGT在层次分析法和信息熵 未确知测度理论确定的主、客观权重中寻找平衡。充分考虑专家经验和样本数据,确定优化权重以改善关联系数的分配问题,从而获取起重机灰色关联度评价值和安全等级,旨在对起重机安全状态变化趋势进行更加准确的定量描述和定性分析。实例分析验证了该评价体系的有效性。  相似文献   
With the creation of interactive tasks that allow students to explore spatial ways of knowing in conjunction with their other ways of knowing the world, we create a space where students can make sense of information as they organize these new ideas into their already existing schema. Through the use of a Common Online Data Analysis Platform (CODAP) and data from Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMA), students can explore the communities in which they live and work, critically examining opportunities and challenges within a defined space.  相似文献   
摘要:我国高等体育教育资源优化配置研究引入社会学视角理论与方法,理论与实践均取得专家的认同。运用文献资料法、专家访谈法和实地考察法等方法发现,在计划经济体制下我国高等体育教育资源配置主体单一性、手段行政化和政治倾向性强,凸显出高等体育教育资源配置缺乏激励机制和市场竞争机制的问题,造成高等体育教育资源配置成本最大化和社会效应的最小化问题较多。自改革开放以来,随着我国市场经济体制的建立为高等体育教育资源优化配置提供了难得的发展机遇,我国高等体育教育资源配置取得了明显成效,但仍然存在高等体育教育资源配置机制滞后、体制机制改革创新步伐缓慢、高等体育教育资源配置不合理以及民办普通高校体育教育资源配置严重不足等问题。据此,从社会学研究的视角,提出了构建多主体推动高等体育教育资源优化配置创新的发展模式、多元化高等体育教育资源优化配置资金投入的保障体系、高等体育教育资源优化配置均衡发展的运行机制和大学城体育教育资源“共建共享”的创新发展模式的新时代我国高等体育教育资源优化配置的发展策略,旨在服务新时代全民健身与全民健康深度融合发展,“推动构建人类命运共同体”发展目标的实现。  相似文献   
摘要:新时代是我国发展新的历史方位,体育强国、教育强国、健康中国三大战略为世界一流体育大学提出了新的更高要求。为此,北京体育大学提出了“三个转型”综合改革,以推进世界一流体育大学建设和高水平竞技体育后备人才培养基地建设,为国家培养勇担新时代体育事业发展重任的优秀人才。为实现上述目标,应在深刻认识“三个转型”改革提出的背景基础上,深入理解“三个转型”的内涵与目标,全面推进“三个转型”综合改革,为新时代体育、教育事业贡献北京体育大学的力量。研究背景包括:1)新时代是“三个转型”的历史坐标,2)强国战略是“三个转型”的现实依据,3)创新模式是“三个转型”的客观需要;“三个转型”分别是:1)全面推进从传统经验型体育大学向现代科技型体育大学转型,2)从以夏季项目为主的体育大学向夏季冬季项目全面发展的体育大学转型,3)从本土化体育大学向国际化体育大学转型,其目的是实现两大办学目标:1)把北京体育大学建成中国高水平竞技体育后备人才培养基地,2)把北京体育大学建设成为世界一流体育大学;为了实现“三个转型”转型及其目标,必须准确把握“办大学与建基地、文化传承与科技创新、立足中国与放眼世界”三个维度及其核心关键问题。  相似文献   
摘要:习近平总书记在十九大报告中出要广泛开展全民健身活动,加快推进体育强国建设。随着“健康中国”上升为国家战略、居民消费升级需求日益加深,我国运动休闲特色小镇的发展路径显得尤为重要。在此背景下,专家学者和业界名流齐聚北京大学,集思广益、畅所欲言,为特色小镇献计献策,共商特色小镇建设合作大计。此次中国体育产业高峰论坛分论坛以“运动休闲特色小镇”为主题,对运动休闲特色小镇这个概念进行了全方位、系统性的深刻剖析,并结合运动休闲特色小镇相关成功实践经验,从前期策划、设计、投资到后期的建设、运营,再到内容为王、跨界融合、聚集建构效应,多层次、多角度阐释了运动休闲特色小镇建构的内在机理和方法,为建设运动休闲特色小镇事业,开创全新体育文化产业格局提供了切实可行的路径。  相似文献   
《Sport Management Review》2020,23(2):242-255
Competitive sports require a regulating body of referees to enforce the rules for the effective operation of the game. However, the number of referees is generally decreasing, leading to organisational problems at the amateur level. The purpose of this research is to identify the factors that determine the intention to continue voluntary refereeing in the context of football in Germany. Combining several concepts as predictors, including both the antecedents and the experience of volunteering, in this study, the authors extend the understanding about volunteers’ intentions to continue their activity and address the research gap regarding the analyses of specific volunteer groups such as referees. By means of an online questionnaire, the authors surveyed voluntary football referees in Germany (n = 4541). Regression analysis reveals the motive of self-orientation, respect shown by athletes, coaches, and spectators towards referees, compatibility of refereeing with one’s occupational and private life, perceived organisational support, and referees’ satisfaction to predict referees’ positive intention to continue with their activity. Simultaneously, experiences of offences during refereeing negatively influence this intention, and younger referees show higher intentions to continue their activity than do older referees. Because volunteer recruitment and retention are expensive, the findings of this study facilitate the improvement of effective retention strategies for the federations responsible for referees.  相似文献   
This study analyzes gains in cognitive components of learning competence with respect to cohorts based on ability tracking in a Czech longitudinal study. Propensity score matching is used to form parallelized samples of academic and non-academic track students and to eliminate the effect of selective school intake. We applied regression models on the total scores to test for the overall track effect. Furthermore, we analyze scores and gains on the subscores and check for differential item functioning in Grade 6 and in change to Grade 9. While after 3 years, no significant difference between the two tracks was apparent in the total learning competence score, we did, however, find significant differences in some subscores and in the functioning of some items. We argue that item-level analysis is important for deeper understanding of the tracking implications and may provide the basis for more precise evidence-based decisions regarding the tracking policy.  相似文献   
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